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ESTA Plugfest Adds Round Table Discussions 2016-11-04The ESTA Control Protocols Plugfest organizers announced today that informal round table discussions for product developers have been added to the event’s program. Subject matter experts from the Control Protocols Working Group will share their knowledge on RDM Proxy servers, RDM Queued Messages, RDM Status Messages and sACN IGMP support. The ESTA Control Protocols Plugfest is an educational opportunity for control manufacturers and developers to gather together in person and test their products for interoperability with the latest versions of the CPWG ESTA Control standards. Our goal is to assist you in ensuring that your customer is purchasing products that interoperate and communicate correctly on the same control network. The scheduled hours are 4:00-11:00pm on Friday, 9:00am-11:00pm on Saturday and Sunday, and 9:00am to noon on Monday. The event is attended by members of the E1.20 (RDM), E1.31 (sACN), E1.17 (ACN), and E1.33 (RDMnet) task groups which authored the standards--they will available to provide their expertise. Attendees have the opportunity to make interoperability improvements to their products with positive “no silly questions” feedback from the CPWG members that authored the standards. This is an opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge and experience of the CPWG, one of the Technical Standards Program’s largest working groups. ESTA invites the industry to drop in and experience Plugfest. More information is available at www.estalink.us/plugfest. To contact the event’s organizers please email plugfest@esta.org. The link for hotel reservations can be found at http://www.esta.org/ESTA/meetings.php.